| Count | Name | Requirement | Description |
 | 30 | Point Control | 12 | Earn this ribbon for capturing and defending control consoles, and for killing enemies around them. |
 | 18 | Healing | 10 | Medics can quickly heal damage that has been done to allied troops keeping in the fight longer. |
 | 12 | Pulsar VS1 | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 10 | Kill Streak | 10 | Earn this ribbon by earning Kill Streaks as Infantry |
 | 10 | Marksman | 5 | Earn this ribbon by killing other infantry at ranges equal or greater than 70m. |
 | 9 | Reviving | 15 | Medics use nanite revivification to get allied forces back up on their feet and back into the battle. |
 | 8 | AMS Support | 35 | Earn this ribbon from friendly players spawning at your Sunderer AMS. |
 | 7 | Biolab Defense | 5 | Earn this service ribbon by defending facilities. |
 | 7 | Solstice VE3 | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 6 | Savior | 5 | Earn this ribbon by saving teammates from certain death. |
 | 6 | VA39 Spectre | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 5 | Repairing | 15000 | Engineers use nanites to reconstruct damage that has been done to mechanized allies such as vehicles, MAX suits, and base turrets. |
 | 5 | Sirius SX12 | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 4 | Resupply | 50 | Earn this ribbon by resupplying your teammates. |
 | 4 | Small Outpost Capture | 5 | Earn this service ribbon by capturing facilities. |
 | 4 | Small Outpost Defense | 5 | Earn this service ribbon by defending facilities. |
 | 3 | Bounty Contract | 7 | Bounty Contract |
 | 3 | Orion VS54 | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 3 | Spotter | 5 | Earn this ribbon by earning spot assists. |
 | 2 | Beamer VS3 | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 2 | Large Outpost Defense | 5 | Earn this service ribbon by defending facilities. |
 | 2 | Objective Support | 2 | Earn this ribbon by overloading, stabilizing, and destroying generators and SCUs. Hacking enemy terminals also grants credit towards this ribbon. |
 | 2 | Plasma Grenade | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 2 | Shielding | 10 | Earn this ribbon by supporting teammates with the shield regeneration device. |
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 | 1 | Drill Sergeant | 1 | Earn this ribbon by leading squads with players Battle Rank 30 or lower. Credit towards this ribbon is earned whenever those players gain battle ranks. |
 | 1 | Force-Blade | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 1 | NSX-P Tengu | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |
 | 1 | Recon | 30 | Earn this ribbon by revealing enemies for your teammates with recon tools. |
 | 1 | Thanatos VE70 | 10 | Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies |