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Achievement Viewer - PlanetSide 2

Player name:  


Profile: 5428353618352020817
Server: Ceres
Faction: Terran Republic


Check out ribbon leaderboard here!

14Point Control12Earn this ribbon for capturing and defending control consoles, and for killing enemies around them.
7AMS Support35Earn this ribbon from friendly players spawning at your Sunderer AMS.
4Objective Support2Earn this ribbon by overloading, stabilizing, and destroying generators and SCUs. Hacking enemy terminals also grants credit towards this ribbon.
3Small Outpost Capture5Earn this service ribbon by capturing facilities.
3T1 Cycler10Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies
3Transportation5Earn this ribbon by deploying friendly troops to the battefield where they earn kills!
2Healing10Medics can quickly heal damage that has been done to allied troops keeping in the fight longer.
2Small Outpost Defense5Earn this service ribbon by defending facilities.
1Anti-Tank5Earn this ribbon by destroying enemy tanks.
1Large Outpost Defense5Earn this service ribbon by defending facilities.
1Piloting10Pilots of ground or air vehicles that have multiple seats with attached weaponry can earn kills made by their passengers.
1T7 Mini-Chaingun10Earn this service ribbon by killing enemies



T7 Mini-Chaingun

T1 Cycler